Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 38

Me at 38 weeks

With only 2 weeks left to go before the big day, I am alternating between "I'm so ready to be done!" and "I'm so not ready!". The "I'm done" part stems mostly from being physically uncomfortable. Sleeping is a production, the waddle has definitely arrived, swelling in my hands, feet and ankles has gotten worse and most of all, my back is killing me! That symptom is something new, so I checked with my doctor at my last visit and she said it is just the baby moving down so new muscles are being strained in my back. I was relieved to hear that, but it definitely limits what I can do.

The "I'm not ready part" is mostly due to the fact that the nursery is on the brink of being completed, but just not quite there. Shawn has been working like a mad man over the last 2 weeks, so it is mudded, sanded, primed, and painted. The trim will be going up tonight and then we just need to give it a good clean before we can start moving stuff in and getting organized! The nesting instinct has really kicked in and I am dying to wash clothes, pack my bag and just get everything ready!

In the meantime, I have really enjoyed my first week and a half of mat leave. I have used the time to get report cards done, visit with friends, get a massage, manicure and pedicure, sleep in, and, of course, clean. I am also in the process of making and freezing meals for after the baby arrives.

We are just getting so excited to meet our little one and can't believe that it could be any day now!

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