Sunday, February 28, 2010

My last week of work

Well, Friday, Feb. 26 was my last day of work before I went on my maternity leave and it was quite a bittersweet week. One minute I was so excited to be done soon, and the next minute I was sad to be leaving such wonderful kids and an even more wonderful staff. The week flew by with me trying to tie up loose ends and start clearing out my desk.

On Friday, my teaching partner, Jill, had told the kids to wear green and white in my honour (representing the Riders!) and many of them came bearing gifts. Then, at the end of the day the kids presented me with a card and a song and Jill passed out delicious home-made cupcakes. I had written each student a card and before they left, they each gave me a hug. It was a lot more emotional than I thought! Even though some days they drove me looney, I will really miss them.

Then after school, the staff gathered in the staffroom and said goodbye, which was hard, too. At least living so close to the school, I know I will be back to visit with the baby fairly regularly.

It still hasn't hit me that I am done work. I am sitting here on a Sunday night knowing that I don't have to go to work tomorrow, but it just feels like it is a long weekend or a holiday. Maybe it's because we still have so much to do and a list that is a mile long. Not to mention the report cards that I have to finish up!

We are in the process of finishing up the nursery and I will post pictures as soon as it is done. Nothing like cutting it close!

Only 3 weeks left...

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