Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jack at 3 months seems this blog is turning out to be a monthly event. I always have good intentions to write and post pictures, but then other things seem to come up. Jack is now 3 months old and an absolute cutie! Here are some of our favorite things about him:

*the way he smiles at us and gets so excited when we go to get him from his crib in the morning
*the way he is almost giggling - it is a gurgling sound at the back of his throat right now
*how he loves to chew his hands! He can almost fit his whole fist in his mouth!
*BATH TIME! He loves the water and just watches Shawn and I as we give him his bath.
*His "talking" - he is making lots of sounds and coos
*the way he kicks his legs - especially his left one!
*the way he stretches and stretches after we unswaddle him
*the way he gets so upset when we try to burp him during a feed - he loves to eat and hates that he gets interrupted!
*the way he holds his hands together on his chest when he is eating
*most of all - we love snuggling with him and having him fall asleep in our arms

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jack at 2 months

I can't believe that our little man is 2 months old already! Time has just flown by and he is getting so big! He is becoming more alert and interactive all the time and smiled for the first time at 6 weeks. Now we love playing with him and trying to make him smile for us. He also recognizes our voices and follows us when we move. Already he is sleeping better - over the last week it's been for 4 or 5 hours straight and then back to bed for another 2 hours! It's great to finally get some sleep! He is such a content baby and we fall in love with him more every day!

What is that???

Such a little man!

Stare down!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jack's Baby Shower

On May 8, my good friend Tanya hosted a baby shower for myself and Jack. We played a few games, had some snacks and "refreshments" (my first drink drink in close to a year!), and opened gifts. It was great to visit with everyone and fuss over Jack!

Our rats...I mean CATS!

Every spring we get our 2 cats, Bandit and Clover, shaved. They are not too impressed and I guess it is quite the ordeal, but it sure does cut down on cat hair around the house and hairballs being puked up!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jack is 1 month old!

Wow! I can't believe that Jack is one month old today! It seems like just yesterday that we were in the hospital having him! The past 4 weeks have definitely been filled with ups and downs and have included a very steep learning curve. But looking back, I wouldn't change a thing!

Like everyone warned us, the first two weeks were very rough. It is such a huge change and having a baby around definitely took a little getting used to. On top of that, I was having trouble breast feeding and so we had to supplement feed using a syringe and tubing, so that added to our stress. Thank god my mom was here for those first 2 weeks! I don't know how we would have gotten through without her!

Once my mom left and Shawn went back to work, we settled nicely into a routine. I started venturing out more on my own during the day, and still try to get out at least once a day to save my sanity. I have also started back at the gym and that is wonderful! Not only do I feel better, but I also have some time to myself and get to shower without worrying that he is crying!

Jack really is a very content baby. He very rarely cries, and it's usually only when he is hungry and wants his food NOW! He is up from about 5 pm to 9 pm everyday and is very alert. This is usually when he cluster feeds, as well, eating every hour or so. We have no idea where he puts all this food, but he is definitely growing! He is almost 9 lbs! He loves his change table and looking around outside.

It is so exciting getting to know him and we grow more attached and in love everyday. We can't wait for the day that he smiles! We'll keep you posted!

Our first trip to a restaurant - Grainfelds for brunch

Looking so big in his car seat!

Having a little nap with mom

One of my favorites!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The arrival of Jack Christian Dukart

Leaving for the hospital

Waiting in labour assessment

Minutes after Jack was born

The new family

Big eyes!

Well, Tuesday, March 30 started off with a visit to my doctor to see if I had made any progress since my last check up. At this point, I was 6 days over due and very ready to be done. To my dismay, she informed me that nothing had changed and said that if nothing happened by Thursday, I would be induced. What a relief! At least there was some light at the end of the tunnel. I was so ready to meet our little one!

After leaving the doctor's office, I started feeling cramps and stronger Braxton-Hicks contractions. I didn't want to get my hopes up, so I just went about my day. At about 2:00 pm, I went for a walk, hoping to maybe speed things up a bit. That seemed to do the trick because when I got home, the contractions were coming about 7-8 minutes apart. I phoned Shawn and let him know this might be it and to get things organized at work in case he wasn't in the next day.

By 10:00 pm, the contractions were 5 minutes apart and were lasting about 1 minute each. Those were the magic numbers they had told us, she we got our things together and left for the hospital at around 11:00 pm. The contractions were definitely getting more intense and I knew this was it for sure!

Once we got checked into the hospital, they checked me again and said I was only 2 cm dialated. I couldn't believe it! They suggested a bath and to walk around to help get things moving. Well, an hour and a half later, I was almost 8 cm!!! The contractions were coming almost one on top of the other and I gladly accepted an offer of an epidural, which came at about 3:30 am. After that, I was able to rest and just wait for things to progress.

At about 8:00 am, I started feeling the contractions again and the nurses told me that soon it would be time to push. I couldn't believe we would meet our little one soon! At about 8:45 am, I started to push and only 45 minutes later, at 9:34 am, our little Jack was born! Both Shawn and I started crying immediately. Shawn was so stunned, that he forgot to do his one job, which was to announce the sex of the baby, so I had to check for myself! A beautiful baby boy!

Both the grandparents were on hand and came in to meet Jack about 30 minutes later. I don't think he could have asked for more proud or doting grandparents!

After 41 weeks of waiting and wondering, we couldn't have asked for a more perfect or handsome little man. We can't wait to see what this new adventure will bring!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Week 40 and holding...

Well, it is March 26 and my due date came and went 2 days ago. No big surprise there. I really wasn't expecting to have this baby on time anyway. However, we are getting a little antsy waiting and getting even more excited to meet our little one. I think we are actually becoming LESS nervous as the days go by as we are getting more and more used to the idea. As everyone has warned us, the waiting is the hardest part!

Thankfully, I have my mom with me now to keep me company and keep my mind off the waiting game. She arrived on Tuesday night (March 23) and so we have done something everyday to keep busy. I have been trying to just take it easy and get as much rest as possible. Now that we have the nursery all organized and ready, I am much less stressed and am able to sleep through the night!

I have included some pictures of the nursery, although it is not completely finished just yet. We are still waiting on our bedding and some pictures for the walls to add some colour. But atleast it is ready for baby! Did you hear that baby? We are ready and waiting....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 38

Me at 38 weeks

With only 2 weeks left to go before the big day, I am alternating between "I'm so ready to be done!" and "I'm so not ready!". The "I'm done" part stems mostly from being physically uncomfortable. Sleeping is a production, the waddle has definitely arrived, swelling in my hands, feet and ankles has gotten worse and most of all, my back is killing me! That symptom is something new, so I checked with my doctor at my last visit and she said it is just the baby moving down so new muscles are being strained in my back. I was relieved to hear that, but it definitely limits what I can do.

The "I'm not ready part" is mostly due to the fact that the nursery is on the brink of being completed, but just not quite there. Shawn has been working like a mad man over the last 2 weeks, so it is mudded, sanded, primed, and painted. The trim will be going up tonight and then we just need to give it a good clean before we can start moving stuff in and getting organized! The nesting instinct has really kicked in and I am dying to wash clothes, pack my bag and just get everything ready!

In the meantime, I have really enjoyed my first week and a half of mat leave. I have used the time to get report cards done, visit with friends, get a massage, manicure and pedicure, sleep in, and, of course, clean. I am also in the process of making and freezing meals for after the baby arrives.

We are just getting so excited to meet our little one and can't believe that it could be any day now!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My last week of work

Well, Friday, Feb. 26 was my last day of work before I went on my maternity leave and it was quite a bittersweet week. One minute I was so excited to be done soon, and the next minute I was sad to be leaving such wonderful kids and an even more wonderful staff. The week flew by with me trying to tie up loose ends and start clearing out my desk.

On Friday, my teaching partner, Jill, had told the kids to wear green and white in my honour (representing the Riders!) and many of them came bearing gifts. Then, at the end of the day the kids presented me with a card and a song and Jill passed out delicious home-made cupcakes. I had written each student a card and before they left, they each gave me a hug. It was a lot more emotional than I thought! Even though some days they drove me looney, I will really miss them.

Then after school, the staff gathered in the staffroom and said goodbye, which was hard, too. At least living so close to the school, I know I will be back to visit with the baby fairly regularly.

It still hasn't hit me that I am done work. I am sitting here on a Sunday night knowing that I don't have to go to work tomorrow, but it just feels like it is a long weekend or a holiday. Maybe it's because we still have so much to do and a list that is a mile long. Not to mention the report cards that I have to finish up!

We are in the process of finishing up the nursery and I will post pictures as soon as it is done. Nothing like cutting it close!

Only 3 weeks left...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 33 Ultrasound and Pre-natal Classes

Profile shot

Head turned slightly towards camera

Last week we had our regular monthly check-up, plus our last set of ultrasound pictures. Baby was 33 weeks and weighed 4 lbs, 10 oz. The head is down (whew!) and everything looks great! I guess the only issue we had was that I nearly fainted on the ultrasound table! I nearly suffocated myself with my big belly! Laying flat is just not an option for me anymore!

We also spent the weekend completing a pre-natal course. We found it very informative and answered any questions we had about labor, delivery, breastfeeding and the first few hours and weeks after giving birth. We even had a chance to practice our breathing! We definitely feel ready now and extremely excited about meeting baby!

Only 6 more weeks...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Well, with only 7 weeks to go, things are definitely feeling different, both physically and mentally. I am finally starting to notice little changes that tell me I am over 8 months pregnant - my back is getting more sore, a little bit of swelling in my ankles, more indigestion, trouble sleeping, more frequent bathroom breaks, etc. I do have to say I have been pretty lucky, though, and still feel great overall. I am still able to go to the gym 5 times a week, which I think helps immensely, as does working only half time now.

Shawn and I have finally got it together and have started making some of the big purchases - crib, dresser, stroller, car seat, etc. We still have to "build" the nursery, and that will happen the weekend of Feb. 20, with help from Shawn's parents. I know it's cutting it pretty close, so hopefully this baby doesn't make an early appearance! I think once the nursery is done, I will feel ready to go!

Other than that, we are enjoying the final 2 months. I have really come to love my belly and I think I will miss it, along with feeling the baby move, which happens constantly now! Shawn and I are trying to squeeze in as much "couple time" as we can, doing activities which we know will not happen easily once Baby D arrives. We can't wait!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


After following a blog on this site from one of our friends (thanks Vanessa!), I thought it was the perfect opportunity to keep all our friends and relatives updated about our lives, especially since there will be big changes happening in the next two months! So keep checking back here regularly for new postings, pictures and news. And don't hesitate to leave comments and messages!

Danielle and Shawn