Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jack at 2 months

I can't believe that our little man is 2 months old already! Time has just flown by and he is getting so big! He is becoming more alert and interactive all the time and smiled for the first time at 6 weeks. Now we love playing with him and trying to make him smile for us. He also recognizes our voices and follows us when we move. Already he is sleeping better - over the last week it's been for 4 or 5 hours straight and then back to bed for another 2 hours! It's great to finally get some sleep! He is such a content baby and we fall in love with him more every day!

What is that???

Such a little man!

Stare down!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jack's Baby Shower

On May 8, my good friend Tanya hosted a baby shower for myself and Jack. We played a few games, had some snacks and "refreshments" (my first drink drink in close to a year!), and opened gifts. It was great to visit with everyone and fuss over Jack!

Our rats...I mean CATS!

Every spring we get our 2 cats, Bandit and Clover, shaved. They are not too impressed and I guess it is quite the ordeal, but it sure does cut down on cat hair around the house and hairballs being puked up!